Server Information

Level:Normal Classes 99 / 50 ( 70 2nd Job )
Rebirth Classes 256 / 120
Stats:Normal Classes 200
Baby Classes 200
Rebirth Classes 200
Inst Cast:150 DEX

Commands earned by evil quest
@ratesShow rates for Exp and drops.
@refreshRefresh the screen.
@autotradeOffline vending@at
@expYour Level & earned Exp
@iteminfoGives Iteminfo@ii@ii 'itemid'
@ii 'itemname'
@helpDisplays Helptext@h
@homtalkHomunculus talks@homtalk 'yourtext'
@noaskAutoreject requests
@storageOpen storage@stor
@pettalkPet talks@pettalk 'yourtext'
@goWarp to towns@go 0 - @go 36
@go 'townname'
@changeleaderChange partyleader to:@changeleader 'partymember'
@noksNo KS function
@timeShow servertime@servertime
@uptimeShow Server-Uptime
@showexpShow gained exp from each kill
@changegmChange Guildleader to:@changegm 'guildmember'
@showdelayShow skilldelay failures
@whodropsShows monster that drop item@whodrops itemid
@whodrops 'itemname'
@guildstorageOpen Guildstorage@gstor
@showzenyShow zeny from each kill
@hominfoActual info about Homunculus
@commandsLists @-commands
@jailtimeRemaining time in jail
@requestSend message to online GMs@request 'text'
@autolootAutolootes Items@autoloot rate
@homstatsStats of your Homunculus
@mobinfoShow monsterinfo@mi@mi 'mobid'
@mi 'mobname'
@sleepLets you fall asleep
@channelHelps you manage #main, #trade and other serverwide chats@channelinfo in game
Commands granted by NPC
@creditShows your credits and other points.
@alootidAutoloot items by ID or Name.@alootidinfo in game
@autoloottypeAutoloot items by Type.@autoloottypeinfo in game
@warpWarps you to every map.@warp 'mapname'
@jumpTeleports you on a map.@jump@jump x y
@killSuicide your character.@die
@aliveResurrect yourself.
@whereisGives the map where monsters spawn.@whereis 'mobid'
@whereis 'mobname'
@whereFind a character.@where 'charname'
@mobsearchFinds monsters on maps.@mobsearch 'mobid'
@mobsearch 'mobname'
@showmobsShows monsters on maps.@showmobs 'mobid'
@showmobs 'mobname'
@mount2Call and release riding creature.No SkillsNo Attack

Our Eventplan:

Teamspeak 3
Info about IP and Login:In Game: NPC in main town: TS Doggie. =^.^=